Empowering student teachers for cross-sectorial collaborations with The Cultural Schoolbag (TCS) in Norwegian Schools

Utbredelsesområde: Norsk, nordisk, internasjonalt
Type arrangement: Deltakelse i arbeidspakke 3 KROM kropp i rom, som del av et større forskning og utviklingsarbeid og kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid. Arbeidet skal ende i artikler, konferanser, forestillinger.
Arrangør: Høyskolen i Østfold, støttet av Norges Forskningsråd
Sted: Høyskolen i Østfold
Tidspunkt: 2021-2023
Personer: Caroline Wahlström Nesse og Camilla Myhre
Andre medvirkende: Kristine Høeg Karlsen, Gunhild Brænne Bjørnstad, Tone Pernille Østern, Jorunn Spord Borgen, Johannes Hafnor, Hedvig Lykke, Marius Kjos, Charlotte S. Nielsen, m.fl.

Lab for empowering students teachers in dance workshops (WP3)

In the third WP the student teachers will be engaged together with professional choreographers, dancers, teachers, practice teachers in developing a The cultural schoolbag dance project in their practice schools. Through a series of participatory art workshops based on the project Body and Spaces, developed by Myhre and Nesse, student teachers will work with professional choreographers and dancers aiming to give student teachers experience with choreographic elements. They use competences from these to plan, prepare and give the Body and Spaces-workshop to their pupils as part of their practical training, in collaboration with dansce students from Høyskolen for dansekunst.

Research questions include: How do participatory workshops bring insight on dance and bodily expression among the teacher students? What kind of voices and feelings are essential for participants to collaborate on their own terms and find their role in the development of the TCS scheme? What kind of asymmetries are challenged and how are they met to lay the ground for TM within this kind of expressive dance project?

This WP relies on a cross-disciplinary collaboration facilitated through TCS among teacher education programs, partner schools, Høyskolen for dansekunst and Room for dance, an arena for professional performing arts.

The result of these workshops will give insight on how participatory workshops with external partners provide teacher students with experiences and competences to take a new role in TCS dance projects in schools. Overall, the activities in the WP will inform the researchers understanding of how to empower student teachers to participate fully when partnering up with artists in TCS. Further, how this can give them more confidence in working with parties outside school in general.

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